Our unique approach to dog daycare

We work to provide dogs the greatest daycare experience by focusing on three key areas:

Socialization style focused onboarding

Dogs are much like humans in that they gravitate towards other dogs who have compatible socialization styles. As part of our comprehensive onboarding experience, we seek to deeply understand the socialization style of each new dog in our community to best match each dog with other dogs who have similar approaches to socializing.

Temperament-based play groups

Once we understand a dog’s socialization style, we place each dog into a tailored play group with other dogs who have similar temperaments. What is unique about our facility is that we have the space to create several different play groups, allow us to have many different temperament-based play groups operating at one time.

Mental and physical enrichment programs

After being assigned to a temperament-based play group, we stimulate dogs each day through an enrichment program which keeps dogs engaged across several areas, including physical enrichment, social enrichment, sensory enrichment, cognitive / occupational enrichment, and nutritional / taste enrichment.

Based on leading standards for enrichment program execution, our goal is to engage dogs across each enrichment area while being conscious of the potential for sensory overload. For example, we do not shift from one enrichment activity to another type of activity with each changing hour in a day as industry research has found that such levels of activity can overstimulate dogs.

For this reason, we pick 1-2 enrichment area(s) to work on each day and hyper-focus on engaging dogs within that specific enrichment area. While our schedule is subject to change, an example of a weekly enrichment schedule might look like the following:

Our goal is to provide an environment where we understand the personality of each dog at onboarding, where dogs can socialize with other dogs of similar temperaments, and where dogs are engaged and properly stimulated each day.

Dog boarding

Our dog boarding includes overnight care for pets, regular bathroom let-outs, and dog daycare included to provide a comprehensive care experience for your dog. What sets us apart is that we do not prescribe to leaving your pets for extended periods of time overnight and we actively monitor pets and care for boarded pets.

Additional highlights of our boarding experience includes:

Vaccine requirements for daycare and boarding

As a facility that has the highest standards, we require all dogs to be vaccinated. This includes written verification from your veterinarian that your pet has received the following vaccinations:

All first time visiting pets require a record showing negative fecal exam. A fecal exam is required every six months.